Quantum Leap Winery Raffle

CFAWL is excited to help its members own their stories and to celebrate the stories of our community this year.  A great story often pairs well with a great glass of wine, so we’re thrilled to have our friends at Quantum Leap Winery support us with a gift card to raffle this month!


We are so thankful to our members for their camaraderie and support of our mission!  There’s always space for more characters though, and now is a great time for friends and colleagues who have not yet done so to join or renew!  CFAWL will be posting a membership promotion on social media on September 15, 2020, and September 23, 2020.  Everyone who shares the post will be entered into our raffle to win the gift card!  If you do not have social media, send the blurb below with our membership link to at least three friends and copy to be entered into the raffle.  We’ll pull the winner on October 1, 2020.