
Diversity Video

The Central Florida Association for Women Lawyers and the Paul C. Perkins Bar Association present “Local Legends Talk”. Thank you so much to Leia Litner, Sharlene Stanford and Heather Meglino from @cfawl and Ben Garcia from @pcpba for all your hard work in making this possible. A huge thank you as well to the Florida Bar Diversity Committee for funding this project and helping to make it a reality! We are so grateful as well to our 5 trailblazers featured in the video which include:
(1) Chief Judge Lisa Munyon, who is the first woman Chief Judge in Orange County, Florida
(2) Natasha Williams, who is the first African-American female Prosecutor in Orange County, Florida
(3) Tiffany Moore Russell, who is the first African-American female elected as Clerk of Court for Orange County, Florida
(4) Judge Emerson Thompson, who is the first African-American male appointed to the bench in Orange County Judge as well as the Fifth District Court of Appeal
(5) Judge Reginald Whitehead, who is the fourth-appointed African-American male Judge and a recent recipient of the James G. Glazebrook Memorial Bar Service Award from the Orange County Bar Association