Florida Bar Foundation BOD Vacancies The Board of Governors is seeking applicants to be filled during its January 29, 2021 meeting. Two lawyers are needed to serve three-year terms commencing…
Judicial Law Clerk Vacancy The Middle District of Florida, Tampa Division is looking to fill a Judicial Law Clerk to the Honorable Christopher P. Tuite position. The position is…
Social Media Raffle CFAWL had a blast this past week, crafting garden gnomes and learning great tips to help plants grow at home! As the weather gets nice…
Angel Tree Sponsorship Opportunity Will you sponsor 1 or more child(ren) from Rock Lake Elementary for the holidays? Sponsors may be individual or joint with other members and friends.…
Angel Tree Seeking Committee Members Seeking CFAWL members to join the Angel Tree Committee as we begin efforts to provide holiday gifts to the kids at Rock Lake Elementary School. We…
5th DCA Vacancy As a result of the elevation of Judge Jamie Grosshans to the Florida Supreme Court, there is a vacancy at the Fifth District Court of…
CFAWL Seeking RBG Submission for OCBA Briefs Article The editors of the OCBA’s The Briefs would like to do a tribute to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in the November issue, and they have invited CFAWL…
Quantum Leap Winery Raffle CFAWL is excited to help its members own their stories and to celebrate the stories of our community this year. A great story often pairs…