CFAWL Board Letters of Interest Interested in getting more involved with CFAWL? Now is your chance! CFAWL is accepting Letters of Interest for the 2021-2022 Board of Directors and Leadership Team! To…
Nominating Committee Members Needed Pursuant to its Bylaws, CFAWL seeks two members to serve alongside its Immediate Past President, President, and President-Elect to review Letters of Intent submitted by…
Orange County Judicial Vacancy Due to the elevation of Judge Gisela Laurent to the Ninth Judicial Circuit, there is a vacancy to be filled on the Orange County Court…
FAWL Leadership Wants YOU Join the FAWL Leadership Team! FAWL is seeking letters of interest from members wishing to serve on its Executive Board of Directors.…
Ask the Money Lady – In Print! CFAWL’s longtime sponsor and resident “Money Lady,” Cindy Price of Price Financial, has a new book: The 7L’s of Financial Planning – Growing and Protecting Your Financial…
UCF Mentor Program The UCF Department of Legal Studies is looking for legal mentors to help students who are about to graduate. Mentors would need to: Review…
CFAWL Membership and Referral Directory CFAWL is putting together a directory of its members this year! We intend this directory to help you know who to contact when you have…
18th Circuit Procedure Update re: COVID An Administrative Order has been issued for the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit (Seminole and Volusia Counties), which amends the requirements for face coverings and self-check health…
Legal Aid Housing and COVID Virtual Pro Bono Effort Looking for a meaningful way to help the community? The COVID-19 pandemic and its economic fallout has had a significant impact on Central Florida, leading…