Joint OCBA and CFAWL Luncheon: Domestic Violence and Advocacy The OCBA and the Central Florida Association for Women Lawyers (CFAWL) invite you to attend an open conversation between Harbor House of Central Florida CEO,…
Young Lawyers Division Pro Bono Award Nominations Attention Young Lawyers! Do you know a young attorney who has gone above and beyond in serving their community? The Young Lawyers Division Pro Bono…
YLD Pro Bono Award Attention Young Lawyers! Do you know someone who has gone above and beyond in serving their community? The Young Lawyers Division Pro Bono Award Nominations…
Renew your Membership Did you know that your membership expires this week! Don’t miss any of CFAWL’s amazing activities. Make sure you’re up to date by renewing today.…
Parting Words From Our President CFAWL, It has been such an honor to serve as your President this year alongside our dynamic and talented Board of Directors and Leadership Team. This…
Table for Eight Volunteers Needed We are looking for volunteers to host Table for Eight dinners during the 2021-2022 CFAWL year. You are welcome to host solo or partner with a…
CFAWL Backpack Project CFAWL is proud to continue its support for the OCBA YLS/CFAWL Backpack Project, an annual event that helps children in our community who are in need. This…
Webinar on Confidential Filing Changes Effective July 1, there will be a change to a rule governing confidential filings in circuit civil, county civil, and small claims filings. The Orange…
CFAWL is FAWL’s Chapter of the Year! CFAWL is overjoyed to announce that it has been selected by the Florida Association for Women Lawyers as the Outstanding Chapter of the Year! The…