Legal Aid Housing and COVID Virtual Pro Bono Effort

Looking for a meaningful way to help the community?

The COVID-19 pandemic and its economic fallout has had a significant impact on Central Florida, leading to an increased need for the assistance the Legal Aid Society of the Orange County Bar provides to the most vulnerable members of our community. Among the issues the Legal Aid helps its clients handle are cases and concerns about eviction.

To help meet this crisis within the community, the Legal Aid requesting volunteer attorneys to participate in its “Virtual Advice and Counsel Clinics.” Attorneys will be volunteering for shifts to address housing issues. Experience in housing and consumer law is not a prerequisite for volunteerism and all interaction will be virtual. For more information, contact Sheila Serrano or check out the flyer for the program.

In addition, the Legal Aid Society of the OCBA is also hosting Housing Clinics for the public with free telephonic attorney consultations on Tuesdays and Thursdays through at least the end of March. (Dates subject to change). If you know someone facing eviction in Orange County that could benefit from this service, please pass along the information. For details, see the flyer for this program.